

Exercise is essential to my lifestyle as I believe being fit and healthy is key to happiness and longevity. In addition, because I have a balanced diet (enjoying all the good and bad food), I exercise to burn off the bad food whilst trying to be fit to keep up with life in general (eg hiking, run up the stairs, or potentially getting chased by bad people!)

Running is my main form of cardio exercise. I have always been a runner (and was quite athletic) since primary school. I would usually finish in the top three in sprint races at school carnivals and was qualified to compete in regional districts with other schools. Nowadays, I mainly jog and run at long distance.

My weekly exercises include:

  • at least 1 x 10km jog outside
  • at least 2 x 3km run on the treadmill (intensive and fast speed)
  • calisthenics such as sit ups, push ups, squats, lunges each day
  • occasional weight lifting at the gym

I also enjoy playing netball socially as I love the game, intensity and fitness that the sport provides. It feels extremely exhilarating and rewarding when you chase the ball and sweat like a pig and also be able to contribute to the team’s winnings! I normally play Wing Attack and Wing Defence positions in netball.