
Europe 2019

My 2019 European was quite spontaneous so planning the trip was very rushed. One day, my girlfriend told me she booked some cheap flights to Athens for her and her daughter. I was so excited I basically invited myself and decided to take my eldest daughter, Kaede with me to make it a girls trip. As I was researching for flights to Athens, I decided to extend the trip by adding other cities to our itinerary, given that it’s Kaede’s first European trip. Selecting which cities to visit was easy because there were so many we both haven’t been to. However, keeping within budget was a challenge. Kaede has been dreaming about Europe for years and was happy to go anywhere but requested Paris to be on the list and I couldn’t be more happier.

We decided visit these cities in the order of Paros, Mykonos, Athens, Paris, Milan and Florence. Our plan was to meet my friend and her daughter in Mykonos and Athens and tour the rest of the cities on our own.

Paros, Greek Islands (2 nights)

Paros is one of the popular Greek Islands (there are up to 227 inhabited Greek Islands). We were there in October so it was off peak season and was mostly quiet. It is definitely a beautiful small island with lots of gorgeous beaches, traditional Cycladic architecture and enchanting rural villages. This is where I fell in love with Greek food and had my first taste of grilled stuffed octopus.

Mykonos, Greek Islands (3 nights)

Like Santorini, Mykonos is famous for its traditional white washed houses, blue-domed churches, narrow cobblestone streets, cosmopolitan atmosphere and vivid nightlife. One of the best sunsets I have ever experienced. My top highlight was sipping a giant delicious cocktail with my girlfriend at a trendy posh bar right on the beach whilst watching sunset and tourists passing by. The sky literally turned orangey red and pink after sunset, it was absolutely breathtaking.

Athens (3 nights)

Visiting the Acropolis and seeing the Parthenon for the first time was truly a bucket list tick off and I was not disappointed at all. Mesmerized by its architectural beauty, art and history, I was astonished how the sacred rock of the Acropolis was well kept and maintained. I was in awe how rich in history this city has.

Surprisingly, Athens city centre is less busy compared to most major cities of Europe. With limited designer stores and international brands I was able to complete my fashion exploration on feet within a few hours.

After 6 nights in Greece, I fell in love with the Greek Islands and Greek food. I really hope to visit Mykonos and Santorini again soon.

Paris (3 nights)

Kaede was so excited to see Paris (even more than Athens) and I couldn’t wait to show her all the touristy sites that she’s been seeing and hearing on TV and books. Having been to Paris twice, I knew my way around the city and where I wanted to stay – on the 8th arrondissement (district) of Paris. Not only it’s the district I have not stayed before but it’s centralised to most of our tourist destinations. Best of all, walking distance to all the shops and designer boutiques.

We visited the Lourve, Eiffel Tower, Palace of Versailles, had dinner on Champs-Elysees, high tea at The Mandarin Hotel, walked along the Seine river and shopped for hours at Chanel (in search for the LBJ, make sure you read up on this post The Little Black Jacket under Fashion menu). Kaede was a great travel companion, she rarely complained and kept up with my itinerary.

Honestly, there is something about Paris that I am so captivated and fall in love more and more every time I visit. This was my third time in Paris and it was as amazing (or better) as the previous times. Must be the beautiful architecture, historic monuments, grand buildings, arts, fashion, charming language, food – I can go on and on. My dream is to live in Paris one day for at least for a year, be a local and immerse myself in all of Parisian beauty and culture.

Milan (stopover)

We took an overnight train from Paris to Florence and stopped in Milan for a few hours to check out the famous and one of my favourite gothic churches, The Duome. Still as glorious and impressive as I first saw it in 2014.

The overnight train was purely just for the experience. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you are on a tight budget or absolutely hate checking in at international airports. We couldn’t get any sleep because it was very noisy (passengers boarding on and off constantly) and felt unsafe because the door lock was not secured.

Florence (2 nights)

The main attraction in Florence is the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and yes it’s absolutely a work of art and the sheer height of it is inspiring. Our hotel was literally right in front of it and it was magical waking up to this amazing view. We didn’t bother going inside the cathedral due to limited time so we spent the whole day walking around exploring the city. Crowds were everywhere even during this time which is not a surprise at all.

We stopped by and had gelato at one of the touristy shops and I could not believe how expensive it was!! 27 euros for 2 gelatos!! Learnt my lesson there for sure.